Flag of vietnam.svg

17.2 Vietnam divides the nation

  • the Berkeley Free Speech Movement

    students used civil disobedience to protest the war
  • the credibility gap

    the american commander in south vietnam was saying everything was under control, but the media was singing a different tune. this caused most people to lose trust in the government
  • Michigan teach-ins begin

    Michigan teach-ins begin
    a group of faculty members and students discussed the issues surrounding the war and reaffirmed their reasons for opposing it
  • The beginning

    When the first U.S. soldiers arrived in Vietnam, about 66 percent of americans approved of U.S. policy in Vietnam. As the war dragged on however, public support began to wane (decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker)
  • MLK condemns war

    MLK said: "I speak for the poor of america who are paying the double price of smashed hopes at home, and death and corruption in Vietnam..."
  • protesters and police clash at the Democratic National Convention

    protesters and police clash at the Democratic National Convention
    the violence that seemed to plague the country culminated with a chaotic and well-publicized clash between antiwar protesters, and the police.
  • A season of violence

    A season of violence
    After Johnson announced that he won't be running for nomination, violence had broken out on the U.S.
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    During the Vietnamese new year, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese launched a massive surprise attack on American airbases in south Vietnam. This shocked most americans because the attack was unexpected, and the government said that everything was fine (things weren't fine)
  • Johnson leaves the election

    both Johnson and the Vietnam war have became very unpopular, so he announced live on television that he won't be running for re-election
  • the lottery system instituted

    the lottery system instituted
    only those with low numbers were subjected to be drafted into the Vietnam war