On this day the bombing took place which killed 4 young African American girls and injured 14 others. Also two boys Virgil Ware age 14 and Johnny Robinson 16 were also killed due to ensuing riots -
Ala's Governor George Wallace sent 500 national guardsmen and 300 state troopers later joinned by 500 police officers and 150 sheriff deputies -
The following day
President John F. Kenndy sent out a responding saying he needs the nation to come together to prevent anymore killings -
Same day
Dr. Martin Luther King had a press conference in Ala. asking the U.S. Army to step in and take over the city -
2 years later
2 years later suspects Bobby Frank Cherry, Thomas Blanton and other Ku Klux Clan members but witnesses were to scared to say anything and a lack of physical evidence so all charges were dropped -
Many years later
Attorney General Bill Baxley reopens the case -
one year later
One year later a retired auto mechanic and former Ku Klux member Robert Chambliss , 73 is indicted by a grand juryon 4 counts of 1st degree murder -
3 months later
Robert is ocnvicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment -
years later
Robert Dies in prison -
The FBI reopens the case with new evidence -
Grand Jury
A grand jury indicts Bobby Frank Cherry and Thomas Blanton on eight counts each of the first degree murder and four of murder with universal malice -
Thomas Blanton
Blanton is found guilty of first degree murder and get 4 life terms -
Bobby Frank
Bobby Frank Cherry is found guilty Four life terms -
The sixteenth street Bapist Church becomes a national historic landmark -
50 years later
50 years later all thr four girls who died are given congressional gold medals -
A bronze and steel statue of the four girls is unveiled it's located at The Kelly Ingram Park -
four girls