• Australopithecus

    Australopithecus lived around 4.3 to 2.3 million years ago. The oldest known hominid ever found was Lucy, who is a female hominid. What made her so special was her larger brain case, and her bipedal body structure. She also had smaller teeth than any primate, and had a flatter face. She was about a meter tall.
  • Australopithecus

    Australopithecus was found in Africa, and was thought to live near a watering hole. She is thought to have died a natural death in water, which would've kept her body preserved so well. 40% of her body was recovered in the Rift Valley. Since she did not use tools, she is thought to have been a herbivore, only eating plants and such. They also didn't walk as fluidly as modern humans do due to their ape-like gait.
  • Homo habilis

    Homo habilis
    Homo habilis existed from about 2.2 to 1.6 million years ago. Homo habilis in Latin means "Handy Man." They were the first hominid to use stone tools, which made them more advanced than their ancestors. Homo habilis also had a larger brain than modern day humans.
  • Homo habilis

    Homo habilis
    Homo habilis was a lot like their ancestor, Australopithecus from a physical standpoint. However, Homo habilis was more technologically advanced. They had discovered how to use tools, which set them ahead. They were now able to break things, scare animals, and create weaponary.
  • Homo erectus

    Homo erectus
    Homo erectus existed from about 1.8 million years ago to 750,000 years ago. They most likely existed in Africa and Southeast Asia. Homo erectus is thought to have coexisted with their ancestor, Homo habilis. They had shovel-shaped incisors, a broad brow, and had an average brain size of about 750 cubed centimeters.
  • Homo erectus

    Homo erectus
    Homo erectus in Latin means "Upright Man." Not only did Homo erectus use tools like their ancestors, but they were the first hominids to discover fire. Now that they knew of fire, they were able to socialize, warn off predators, create warmth, and burn things. This was one of the largest steps of mankind. When they first discovered the fossils of Homo erectus, the world of science did not except the skeleton of "Java Man" as a new hominid. They were accepted as a hominid in the early 1930's.
  • Homo neanderthalis

    Homo neanderthalis
    Homo neanderthalis, or the Neanderthal, existed from around 300,000 to 150,000 years ago. They coexisted with their cousins, Cro-Magnon, or Homo sapiens. However, Neanderthalis are thought to have lived in northern Europe, near Germany. Their bodies were equipped for cold weather, and they dwelled in the warmth of caves.
  • Homo neanderthalis

    Homo neanderthalis
    Neanderthals teeth grew faster than modern human's teeth. They also had brow ridges, large faces, and no chin. They had a language, though close to nothing is known of it. They took care of their elderly and sick, much like we do today. They were nomads, though they did create villages in close groups when they stayed stationary for a period of time.
  • Cro-Magnon

    Cro-Magnon is much like humans today. They existed from 400,000 to 100,000 years ago. They lived in Africa and Asia, and were equipped for moderate weather. They also spoke a language, formed tight bonds with small groups of people, and were very social. They also used fire and food to bring more people together.
  • Cro-Magnon

    Cro-Magnons were thought to have bred the Neanderthals out of existence. Their teeth grew much like human teeth, and they looked much like us, thought much hairier. They also had a more prominent brow and larger face. They were much like the Neanderthals, though not equipped for the cold.They would gather and hunt, just like their cousins.