The Enlightenment

  • English Civil War overthrows Charles I, installs Cromwell

  • Hobbes publishes Leviathan

  • Glorious Revolution unseats James II, installs William and Mary

  • English Bill of Rights drafted

  • Locke publishes Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Two Treatises of Government

  • Louis XIV dies; Louis XV takes French throne

  • Montesquieu publishes The Spirit of Laws

  • Hume publishes An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

  • Diderot publishes first volume of Encyclopédie

  • Voltaire publishes Candide

  • Rousseau publishes The Social Contract

  • Watt invents improved steam engine

  • Rousseau finishes Confessions

  • Goethe publishes The Sorrows of Young Werther

  • Smith publishes Wealth of Nations

  • Kant publishes Critique of Pure Reason Fea

  • De Gouges publishes Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

  • Kant publishes Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals

  • Goethe publishes first part of Faust

  • Goethe publishes second part of Faust