
Influence of the working class: Crucial for Europe's Advancements

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    Influence of the working class: Crucial for Europe's Advancements

  • The storming of the bastille

    The storming of the bastille
    The Storming of the Bastille done by Jean-Pierre Houël depicts the violent scene of the working class French citizens storming the Bastille and in the middle of the painting is shown the capture of De Launay and eventual beheading.
  • Passages in the Life of the Living Radical

    Passages in the Life of the Living Radical
    Written by Samuel Bamford who was a radical reformist and this book was used to farther understand what happened during the Peterloo Massacre where many innocent people and how that led to the rise of fixed wages and unionized work forces by looking at at a specific chapter.
  • The Berlin Revolution - the painting Germania

    The Berlin Revolution - the painting Germania
    The painting Germany by Philipp Veit provides a depiction of hope by looking at the sunrise behind her. She holds the German flag to show unity as well as has broken shackles by her feet to represent freedom. This painting helps better understand that the people are revolting for Germany, not against it. They want it to become a unified country again.
  • Reform Act in England

    Reform Act in England
    Working and Middle class adults meet at Hyde Park, although banned from protesting still rallied until they were heard. This demonstration led to the creation of the Reform Act which gave more power to the people, one example being the power to vote for a leader they want.
  • Bloody Sunday - petition given to the Tsar

    Bloody Sunday - petition given to the Tsar
    The ‘Bloody Sunday’ petition to the tsar (1905) Link provided as a translation to the petition given to the Tsar on January 22, 1905. This petition provides an insight on the treatment workers were getting and what they want and deserve. The petition is a link to the bloody sunday massacre that killed hundreds of innocent protesters, which led to civil chaos and eventual demis of the Tsar regime.
  • Working Class women during World War 1

    Working Class women during World War 1
    Working class women been proven to be an influential component to the war as seen in Germany with the use of this media propaganda. Without the working class, supplies would not have been met and therefore the loss of the war.