
1648-1948 : Evolution of political regimes in Europe : from Royalty to Presidents ?

  • Treaty of Westphalia - Ratification of the Peace of Münster

    Treaty of Westphalia - Ratification of the Peace of Münster
    The Treaty Of Westphalia This painting by Gerard ter Borch, Münster, 1648 completed durin the Dutch Golden Age illustrates the end to the Thirty year war and brilliantly represents the iconic moment in the establishment of nation-states in European history marking the introduction of a new era of political regimes, cultural and societal revolutions. Worldwide, the ratification of the Peace of Münster sees the emergence of international institutions, enabling the development of an international order among states.
  • Period: to

    European Regime Evolution: from the collapse of monarchies to the emergence of individual political regimes.

    A look into the evolution of regimes in Europe frm 1648 to 1948. From the collapse of monarchies and Empires to the emergence constitutional monarchies, republics and totalitarian regimes. The European map's dramatic evolution leads to an insightful analysis of the influences of revolutionary movements, ideological trends and development of political mindfulness among the range of diverse and yet linked European experiences.
  • John Locke - Two Treaties of Governents

    John Locke - Two Treaties of Governents
    Two Treaties of Government - John Locke John Locke, a British philosopher, significantly influenced the development of the British constitutional monarchy in England, actively involved on the 1688 Glorious Revolution, the Bill of Rights in 1689 establishing the extensive powers of British Parliament. His publication "Two Treaties Of Government" is a comment on the legitimicy of European monarchies with particular look at the royal divine right. Locke will influence the American Revolution and its democratic process.
  • "J'attends la tete de l'assassin Louis XVI"

    "J'attends la tete de l'assassin Louis XVI"
    Pamphlet - J'attends la tete de l'assassin Louis XVI
    This pamphlet issued in Paris in 1793, the year in which the infamous Louis XVI suffered the guillotine, staple of the french revolution, marking the most important event in french history. The beheading of the "assassin" king, product of his quick prosecution, which resulted in the death of both the monarchy and the man.
  • Jacques-Louis David's "Le Sacre de Napoleonn" Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of the French Empire

    Jacques-Louis David's "Le Sacre de Napoleonn" Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of the French Empire
    Le Sacre de Napoleon Jacques-Louis David completes the December, 2nd 1804 coronation, which will introduce the noveltly wihtin the French political process: the French Empire. Although very short-lived, the Empire marks one of the many regimes introduced during the long 19th century. Napoleon ordered the painting, in which he consecrates Josephine, which has a tremendous significance for his secular views.
  • Marxism/Leninsm - Russian Revolutions

    Marxism/Leninsm - Russian Revolutions
    • Montague , Richard. "Marx and Lenin's views contrasted." Marxism The Russian Revolutions occuring in 1917 are the consequence of a proletarian outcry against capitalist domination. Their ideology extends to a classless society, in which everything is shared, and all is public. Although enforeced by the people, led by Lenin and engaged Marxist ideology, the Soviet Union will not move towards a seemingly democratic regime, but a rather authorative and totalitarian dictature under communist leaders (Stalin).
  • The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

    The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
    The Historical Significance of the Universal Declarations The United Nations, ultimate international organization, was established in 1948. A legacy of the failing League of Nations, in response to both world wars, the UN has for goal to ensure peace among sovereign nations worldwide. This supranational institution is invested wth the purpose of organizing and regulating the international climate in terms of political, societal, cultural and human rights. By 1948, democracies ranging from Republics to parliamentary system dominate the developed states.