C Good, K Kauffman Arab-Israeli conflict

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Arthur J. Balfour issued this declaration to a British Zionist in the form of a letter. It requested that the British would view with the favor the establishment in Palestine as a national home for the Jewish people.
  • Jews Immigration

    Jews Immigration
    Many Arabs in the region opposed the Jewish influx, but Palestine lacked unified leadership.
  • UN Partition Plan

    UN Partition Plan
    The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a plan to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict in the British Mandate of Palestine. It was approved by the UN General Assembly. A majority of the Jews accepted the proposal.
  • Arab-Israeli War

    Arab-Israeli War
    Arab forces attacked Jewish communities in Palestine in the first war against the Arabs and Jews.
  • Palestinian Refugees

    Palestinian Refugees
    Israel occupied 78% of the land of Palestine from 1917-1949, causing more than 750,000 Palestinian refugess to flee the Gaza Strip.
  • Israel Founded

    Israel is officially proclaimed the State of Israel publicly. The Declaration of Independenct of the State of Israel explained the causes for the declaration and the right of Jews to an independent country.
  • Suez war

    Suez war
    Great Britian, France, and Israel attack Egypt, who had just nationalized the Suez Canal.
  • PLO established Revolution began

    PLO established Revolution began
    The Palestine Liberation Organization is founded in Cairo with Ahmad Shuqeiri as its leader
  • Arafat at United Nations

    Arafat at United Nations
    Yasser Arafat adresses the United Nations. The Arab Summit in Rabat recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
  • Russian Jews

    Russian Jews
    The Jews in the Russian empire had been oppressed for centuries. Thousands of Jews emigrated to Israel. The emigration peaked in 1979, when more than 51,000exit visas were issued.
  • President Sadat assassinated

    President Sadat assassinated
    President Sadat of Egypt was assassinated by an Islamic Fundamentalist. He was killed during a military parade when the procession was stopped to watch egyptian air force jets fly by.
  • Intifada started

    Intifada started
    Hundreds of people burned tires and attacked the Irsraeli defense forces in Jabalya. The attacks led to Jerusalem. The United Nations told them they needed to stop, but they didn't. The uprising lasted fora long time.
  • Rabin and Arafat signed OSLO I peace agreement

    Rabin and Arafat signed OSLO I peace agreement
    Israel agreed to allow Palestinian self-rule, first in the West bank area and the Gaza strip, and later other areas of Israel. The ceremony took place in Washington, D.C.
  • Yitzak Rabin assassinated

    Yitzak Rabin assassinated
    Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin of Israel is assassinated by a right wing extremist. He was shot three times. They tried to recess him, but it didn't work.
  • Wye River Memorandum

    Wye River Memorandum
    The Wye River Meorandum was an agreement negotiated to put into effect the earlier Interim Agreement of September 28, 1995, brokered by the United States between Israel and the Palestine Authority.
  • Ehud Barak and Arafat have peace talks

    Ehud Barak and Arafat have peace talks
    Ehud Barak and Arafat held their first one on one summit talk at Camp David. The talk was a failure.