1600s American Timeline

  • James town colony established

  • Sante Fe established

  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

  • 1619 First African slaves come to new world.

  • House of Burgesses in established

  • Mayflower compact and Plymouth Colony

  • Opechancanough revolts against Viginia

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony established

  • John Winthrop comes to Massachusetts

  • Maryland founded

  • Harvard University established

  • Period: to

    Peqout War

  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Maryland adopts an Act of Religion

  • First Navigation Act Issued by Parliment

  • Puritans' Half-Way Covenant

  • England captures New Amsterdam

  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

  • English settlers arrive in the Carolina's

  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

  • Bacon’s Rebellion is led by Nathaniel Bacon.

  • Pueblo Revolt

  • William Penn established Pennslyvania

  • Period: to

    Dominion of New England

  • Glorious Revolution in England

  • Parliment creats a Bill of Rights

  • Leislur's Rebellion

  • The Toleration Act

  • Maryland Protestant Association rebels

  • Plymouth colony joins Massachusetts

  • Salem Witch Trials leave 19 people dead.