1600 BCE-20BCE

  • 1100 BCE

    The Bronze and Iron Age

    These two periods were developmental in the aspect of Greek growth. The development of military and agriculture grew during these time periods as weapons and tools were made stronger. This went on to influence many other countries into trading for these supplies to make these new tools or weapons.
  • 900 BCE

    Greek Architecture

    The Greeks had a great architectural period. I find that many of the buildings that they constructed are beautiful. Their architecture formed much of the west, and is special in the fact that it is unique. Many of the ancient Greek buildings are still popular sight seeing spots.
  • 800 BCE

    Greek's Literature

    A Major example of what made Greece so special is there impact on literature and the arts. The Greeks grew the use of the alphabet, and helped to make it easier to understand. Many great artists and authors came from these advancements such as Homer who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey. This helped us to gain a better idea of ancient culture.
  • 700 BCE

    The Spartans View on Women

    The Spartans differed from many other empires at this time when it came to their views on women. The Spartans let women participate in the government, work, and much more that were typically male jobs. This was influential all the way to today. This was very uncommon for this time period, and made Greece very special in the eyes of today.
  • 650 BCE

    Greek Art

    The Greeks had made many new forms of art during this time period. Many of these art forms we still see around today. I believe this also made an impact of Western Civilization as the forms of art spread west.
  • 550 BCE

    Greeks Governing Style

    Many of the Greek empires had different ways of ruling that strayed from the rest. The Persian empire showed a great example of this with their leniency with those they conquered. This was the same with Alexander the Great, as he let those he conquered continue to have their same cultural beliefs, therefore he gained their trust.
  • 550 BCE

    Greek Conquest

    The Greeks made great strides when it came to its empire expanding. The Persian empire and Alexander the Great both led great empires that expanded immensely. This conquest influenced many other empires, along with other countries.
  • 507 BCE

    The Creation of Democracy

    The Athenians experimented with many different governing types. They finally came up with a system that they called "demokratia", or democracy. This governing style is still seen in many different countries today.
  • 475 BCE

    Greek Polises

    The Greeks came up with a new form of governing by using individual Polises. These were individual governing cities. There were many different Polises as the land they were in was split into mountainous areas. This was never seen before, and impacted future governing styles. The Greeks are still known for this today making it memorable.
  • 469

    Greek Philosophy

    Possibly one of the greatest impacts and most memorable things about the Greeks is their philosophy. Many great philosophers came from Greece such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These Philosophers went on to inspire many people even to this day.