Versailles is constructed
Descartes "Discourse on Method"
Peace of Westphalia
The First Fronde
French classicism
the Second Fronde
Louis XIV reign begins
Jean Baptiste Colbert becomes Prime Minister
Montesquieu's "Spirit of Laws"
Diderot's Encyclopedia
Voltaire's "Candide"
Rousseau's "Emile"
French Revolution
Abbe Sieye's "What is the Third Estate?"
Tennis Court Oath
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Declaration of Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
Marie Antoinette executed
King Louis XIV executed
Committee of Public Safety
Robespierre executed
The Directory
Napoleon's coup d'etat
Napoleonic Wars
Napoleonic Code
Louis XVII coronation
Revolution of France
Louis Napoleon elected President
Bloody June Days
Louis Philippe abdicates
Louis Napoleon becomes Emperor Napoleon III
Baron Haussmann redesigns Paris
Pasteur's Germ Theory
3rd Republic of France
Impressionist movement
Paris Commune rejects Prussia
Boulanger Affair
Dreyfus Affair
Emile Zola's "J'Accuse"