
By deven96
  • agriculture in the early america

    agriculture in the early america
    Corn beans and squash were some of the staple foods of Native american cultures These crops were known as the three sisters because they were commonly planted together as companion crops.
  • jamestown settled

    jamestown settled
    in May 1610 with the arrival of Sir Thomas Gates the new governor sir john rolfe brought tobacco seeds with him to the colony which turned the settlement into a profitable endeavor for the Virginia Company
  • colonial farming technologies

    colonial farming technologies
    A flail is an agricultural tool that was used for threshing grain the removal of the husks from the grain It is two pieces of wood that is attached by a piece of rope or leather the grain would be beaten or threshed with the flail which allowed a person to be able to thresh about seven bushes of grain a day.
  • agriculture in virginia

    agriculture in virginia
    tobacco was the important money crop and almost every ship that sailed from a plantation wharf carried hogsheads of the delightful weed in its hold many other commodities too were shipped to the mother country as well as to new england the middle colonies barbados, madeira, bermuda, and jamaica.
  • Parliamentary Acts

    Parliamentary Acts
    parliamentary act laws regulated trade from the american colonies by requiring that goods exported to England be sent on British ships one section of these laws the navigation acts required that the colonies transport their most expensive products back to england and pay costly import taxes.
  • public land act

    public land act
    the public Land Act authorized federal land sales to the public in minimum 640 acre plots at $2 per acre in an attempt to encourage the settlement of western lands unfortunately the majority of those who purchased these lands tended to be speculators rather than settlers.
  • agricultural experimentation

    agricultural experimentation
    george washington experimented with crop rotation and with new seeds and plants he also became the nations first mule breeder mules are a cross between a male donkey and a female horse washington believed that mules would revolutionize farming
  • population and productivity

    population and productivity
    In 1790 the total U.S. population was 3,929,214 farmers made up 90% of the labor force on july 31 1790 samuel hopkins was issued the first patent for a process of making potash an ingredient used in fertilizer when the patent was granted Potash or potassium is the third major plant and crop nutrient after nitrogen and phosphorus it has been used since antiquity as a soil fertilizer about 90% of current use.
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    the whiskey rebellion a farmers revolt against taxes on grain in whiskey began in 1791 when the federal government authorized its first tax on a domestic product in order to reduce the national debt.
  • agriculture exports

    agriculture exports
    new technologies on the farm and in transportation result in growing agricultural exports from 1800 the average annual value of agricultural exports totaled $23 million or 75% of total exports.
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    The Declaration of Independence resulted partly from British controls on farm exports restrictions on land titles and limitations on western settlement.
  • economics of the north and south

    economics of the north and south
    by the 1800s the Northern states began to industrialize and export manufactured goods as the northern states industrialized they attracted new immigrants while the south’s population stagnated.