1600-1700 US History Timeline

By Tisoda
  • Plymouth Company is Created

    Established as a joint stock company. Failed at establishing a permanent colony.
  • London Company

    Another Joint Stock company established. Granted North Carolina to New York.
  • Jamestown

    This town lacked farmers and struggled to have enough food.
  • James I claims divine right

    James I believed he had the right from God
  • Women come to Virginia and first Africans arrive

    Approximately 90 women come to Jamestown.
  • House of Burgesses is established

    Set up in Jamestown. Consisted of White male land owners. Established laws of the land.
  • Plymouth Attempt 2

    100 men and women arrive at Plymouth Rock and prepare to go ashore.
  • Good Friday Assault

    Native American attack on Jamestown, 1/4 of the people died.
  • Jamestown becomes a Royal Colony

    King terminated its charter.
  • Exeter founded in New Hampshire

    Larger City in New Hampshire
  • Connecticut

    After the founding of Hartford CT becomes a colony, founded by Thomas Hooker.
  • Body of Liberties

    Contains 100 liberties for Massachusetts Bay Colonists.
  • Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts

    Basis of civil and criminal law until the 18th century. Reflects Puritan concerns.
  • Puritan Revolution

    Puritans sought to reduce hierarchy and ritual in the church; Puritans defeated and beheaded the King Charles I
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    Aimed at Dutch, all goods must be shipped by English ships.
  • Charles II

    Becomes King of England
  • Navigation Act of 1660

    Certain goods from New World have to go to either English colonies or England (Tobacco, Cotton, Indigo, Ginger, Sugar).
  • New Haven

    Another more strict group of Puritans, Combined with Hartford
  • Halfway Covenant

    Extends partial church membership to church members children who had not yet experienced conversion
  • Staple Act

    Anything coming to the New World must come from or through England (Salt, Horses, Wine excluded).
  • Carolina

    Granted to 8 proprietors, Economic and political reasons for establishment
  • Society of Friends created

    Founded by George Fox. Believed every religion has inner light, tolerance.
  • John Locke's Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina

    Religious freedom, rejected by Carolina people, low voting requirements.
  • Plantation Duty Act of 1673

    Tax on goods shipped from one colony to another.
  • Bacon dies, leaders hung

    Nathaniel Bacon dies of dysentery and 23 leaders of his rebellion are hung.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon organizes militia to attack Native Americans. Later burns Jamestown in rebellion towards Governor Berkeley.
  • William Penn and Quaker Patent

    William Penn leverages the King's debt to his father to create Quaker refuge utopia.
  • Duke instates Charter of Liberties and Privileges

    Happens as New York becomes a Royal Colony
  • Monmouth's Rebellion

  • Quakers in Pennsylvania

    8000 Quakers are in Pennsylvania by this time and Philadelphia is the "City of Love"
  • Glorious Revolution

    Bloodless coup that abolished absolutism and established a constitutional monarchy in England.
  • English Bill of Rights is Created

    Had a huge influence on North America and the Constitution of the US
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony combines with Plymouth Colony

  • Salem Witch Trials in America

    Betty Parris and Abigail Williams begin having fits.
  • Witch Trials halt

    Court refused to hear any further charges.
  • Navigation Act of 1696

    Establishes Admiralty Court, enforces the other Acts and is located in the colonies.