1600-1700 US Events

  • Jamestown established

    Jamestown established
    First permanent English settlement in the Americas.
  • Henry Hudson discovered Hudson River

    Henry Hudson discovered Hudson River
    Henry Hudson greatly impacted European societies. His exploration of New York and his discovery of the Hudson River in 1609 led to the Dutch colonization in these areas.
  • Don Pedro Peralta founded Santa Fe

    Don Pedro Peralta founded Santa Fe
    While Santa Fe was inhabited on a very small scale in 1607, it was truly settled by the conquistador Don Pedro de Peralta in 1609-1610.
  • Battle of Sorel

    Battle of Sorel
    Samuel de Champlain supported by the Kingdom of France and his allies, the Huron, Algonquin people, and Montagnais fought against the mohawk people. Most mohawk people were captured and killed.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact, originally titled Agreement Between the Settlers of New Plymouth, was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony.
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    The Pequot War

    The Pequot War was an armed conflict between the Pequot tribe and an alliance of the colonists of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies and their allies from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes. The primary cause was a struggle to control trade. English wanted to break the Dutch-Pequot control of the fur and wampum trade. The Pequot attempted to maintain their political and economic dominance in the region. This war established a pattern for English policy toward the Natives.
  • The Maryland Toleration Act

    The Maryland Toleration Act
    The Maryland Toleration Act was an act of tolerance, allowing specific religious groups to practice their religion without being punished, but retaining the ability to revoke that right at any time. It also granted tolerance to only Christians who believed in the Trinity. Also known as Act of Religious Toleration in 1649.
  • English take control of New Amsterdam- Rename New York

    English take control of New Amsterdam- Rename New York
    In 1664 the English took over New Amsterdam and renamed it New York City after the Duke of York (later James II & VII).
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    King Philip's War also known as the 1st Indian War

    King Philip’s War has been called United States’ most devastating conflict. One in 10 soldiers on both sides was killed, 1,200 colonists’ homes were burned, and vast stores of foodstuffs destroyed. The effects of the carnage and property damage were felt for years by colonists. The war’s ramifications for Native populations of southern New England included not only loss of life and, for some, enslavement but the continued erosion of sovereignty, land rights, and communities as well.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The first armed insurrection by American colonists against Britain and their colonial government. A hundred years before the American Revolution, Bacon and his armed rebels ransacked their colonial capital, threatened its governor and upended Virginia's social order.