1600-1700 Timeline

  • Jamestown Established

    The first permanent settlement in America
  • House of Burgesses formed

    the first democratically legislative body in English North America
  • Mayflower Compact Signed

    Plymouth colony aka modern-day Massachusetts was founded by the Plymouth Company
  • Indian Massacre of 1622

    Took place in Virginia
  • Pequot War Ends

    The war between the Pequot tribe and the colonists in New England finally ends.
  • Kieft's War

    A war against the Lenape Indians in New Netherland
  • Peach Tree War

    A war Between the Susquehannock Indians and New Netherland settlements along the Hudson River
  • King Charles II grants charter for new colony

    This colony becomes the province of Carolina
  • Arkansas Post Established

    Established under Henry de Tonti as the first European settlement below the Mississippi river valley
  • First Newspaper Issued

    Issued to the English colonies, published in Boston.