Colonial America: 1600-1700

By Hanna.N
  • Jamestown established

    The first permanent English settlement is established in the New World. Jamestown resides in Northeast Virginia and is established by the London Company.
  • The Dutch in the New World

    The Dutch commission Henry Hudson to find the fabled "Northwest Passage." Hudson failed, however, he found a river which he named after himself and claimed the land of New York for the Dutch.
  • Sante Fe

    Sante Fe, New Mexico is established by the Spanish, it is the first permanent European settlement in the Southwest
  • Tobacco in Jamestown

    John Rolfe crossed tobacco strains from Trinidad and Guiana and planted Virginia’s first tobacco crop. Tobacco marks one of the first cash crops present in Virginia.
  • Jamestown sells tobacco

    After the first tobacco crop was planted in Virginia, the crop boomed across the land. Tobacco sold for a high price in Europe, which began a high demand for tobacco in Virginia, saving the colony from ruin and laying the groundwork for the United States.
  • Dutch sells slaves

    The Dutch, known for their slave trading, sells twenty African slaves to the Virginian colonists, marking the beginning of Southern slavery.
  • House of Burgesses

    The Virginia Company establishes the House of Burgesses, a limited representative body composed of white landowners that first met in Jamestown.
  • Period: to

    Puritans move to the New World

    The Puritans, wanting to establish a "Godly Uptopia" move to the New World to seek asylum from the British. They each come in family factions, establishing the Plymouth Colony, established by the Pilgrims[1620], Massachusetts Bay, established by John Winthrop [1630], Connecticut, established by Thomas Hooker [1636], and Rhode Island, established by Roger Williams [1636]. Other colonies like New Haven is established by not officially recognized by the King until 1662
  • New Amsterdam

    The Dutch, after laying claim to their colony "New Netherland" establish their first permanent settlement, New Amsterdam
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    An act aimed at the Dutch, stating that goods imported into the New World could only come from English Ships. This was intended to cripple Dutch freight trade
  • Navigation Act of 1660

    Stated that certain enumerate articles could only be produced in the British Empire. These articles could only be shipped to England or another British Colony.
  • Province of Carolina

    King Carles II grants the Carolina charter to settle the land south of Virginia. The land was to be divided between 8 Lord Proprietors in return for financial aid.
  • Staple Act of 1663

    Stated that all European goods have to pass through England before being shipped to the colonies
  • New York is Established

    After the siege of New Amsterdam, the Dutch capital of New Netherlands by the English, New York is established in its place.
  • Charles Town Founded

    Founded to honor King Carles. Eventually, Charleston will serve as a port to bring in African slaves, with nearly half arriving there.
  • Plantation Duty Act of 1673

    Stated that colonial merchants had to pay a duty on enumerated articles shipped from one colony to another.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    A long-winded conflict between Nathaniel Bacon and William Berkely. It began over an argument about a pig but quickly spiraled into a response to a political crisis. Bacon was elected as leader of the rebellion to overthrow Berkely. Berkely had Bacon arrested, challenged him to a duel, and when that failed, he rebuilt his army. The rebels built a military army to defend their homes, with few really "rebelling." Bacon then died of typhus soon afterward, and the rebels scattered.
  • Province of New Hampshire

    An area of land North given to Captain John Mason. He then built Pannaway Plantation and founded an exeter. The land, however, was soon to come under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, but was then seperated into New Hampshire in 1679.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn was granted a charter by the King, he then founded Pennsylvania to establish a colony of harmony for the Quakers.
  • Charter of 1691

    Recognized Massachusetts as a Royal Colony
  • Slaves Prohibited from Rights to Trial

    Virginia slaves, when accused of committing capital crimes, are prohibited from asserting their right to a trial by jury or the right to appeal to a conviction. This new law, along with others, defined slavery as a lifetime status for people and their future children.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    A system of witchcraft scares across America, with multiple people being accused of witchery. 140 people were indicted for being a witch, with 20 of those people being executed.
  • Navigation Act of 1696

    Established admiralty courts in the colonies