1600-1700 Timeline

  • First British Colony Established in New World

    Jamestown was the first permanent colony in the New World and was founded by the English. This settlement was paid for by the Virginia Company of London and was settled in hopes of finding riches in the New World.
  • Spanish Founded Santa Fe

    Santa Fe was founded by Governor Don Pedro de Peralta and became a central city for the Spanish settlement in the New World.
  • Dutch Claimed New Netherlands

    New Netherlands was the first settlement of the Dutch colony in the New World. This settlement's main purpose was for trading and profit.
  • First Slaves Arrive in Jamestown

    This was the beginning spark for the history of America's slavery. Jamestown was the first of the colonies to receive slaves.
  • Connecticut Adopts its First Constitution

    Known as the Fundamental Orders, Connecticut's first constitution allowed Connecticut to organize their governmental structure and open the body up for more trading and political opportunities.
  • First Anglo-Dutch War Begins

    This war began the onset of a series of four wars between the Dutch and the Anglo which began over a dispute over trade which became political very quickly.
  • Isaac Newton Invents Reflecting Telescope

    This reflecting telescope changes science and opened up the world to the study of astronomy.
  • King Phillip's War Begins

    King Phillip led a group of Native Americans against the English settlers in an attempt to stop the English presence in the tribal land.
  • France Claims Louisiana Territory

    The French claimed Louisiana territory in the name of France and began recognizing trading opportunities and established New Orleans.
  • Thomas Savery Invents Steam Pump

    Thomas Savery's invention of the steam pump was the beginning of many more inventions and uses for the steam engine.