1600 1700 timeline photo

1600-1700 Technology Project Timeline #1

  • Period: to

    1600-1700 Technology Project Timeline #1

    This is a timeline representing significant events In Colonial America's History.
  • Jamestown Established

    Jamestown Established
    1607, approximately 100 members of the Virginia Company established Jamestown as the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • The Start of Virginia's Wealth

    The Start of Virginia's Wealth
    John Rolfe acquired Spanish Tobacco seeds and started the beginning of the tobacco industry in Virginia.
  • The Mayflower and Plymouth Rock

    The Mayflower and Plymouth Rock
    100 men and women sail on the Mayflower. They establish a settlement at Plymouth Rock.
  • John Winthrop and the First Great English Immigration Wave

    John Winthrop and the First Great English Immigration Wave
    John Winthrop leads 800 English settlers to Massachusetts. They settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. This is considered the first great wave of English immigration.
  • Kieft's War

    Kieft's War
    New Netherlands fights the Native Americans who were attacking the colony. the conflict lasted until 1645. They were led by the colony's leader Willem Kieft during this conflict.
  • English Navigation Act

    English Navigation Act
    England passes the Navigation Act. This act made it illegal to transport goods from the colonies to England with any ship that was not English. This ultimately was the catalyst that brought about the Anglo-Dutch War.
  • The First Complete Bible Printed in America

    The First Complete Bible Printed in America
    The first complete Bible was printed in America in 1663. 2 years after the New Testament was printed and published. This Bible was published at Harvard and was written in the Algonquin Language.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    This was the start of a rebellion lead by Wampanoag Chief Metacom in an attempt to remove the English settlers from their land. This took place in southern New England and ended in 1676
  • The Pennsylvania Charter

    The Pennsylvania Charter
    William Penn gets a charter from King Charles II. He uses it to create a Quaker settlement.
  • Salem Witch Trials Begin

    Salem Witch Trials Begin
    The Witch Trials begin. This dark time to the lives of approximately 20 people while many more people were accused. The most notable alleged witch was Tituba a slave girl.