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  • First United States Colony of Jamestown

    103 settlers step aboard three ships which sail from England to America, making up the first English settlement in the United States, later known as Jamestown. Among the new settlers is Captain John Smith, who is put on the governing council of Jamestown.
  • First Slaves in America

    First slaves were brought over seas to Jamestown in the summer of 1619. This began to shape America into what it will later become.
  • The House of Burgesses

    The first official assembly of representatives in America meet for the first time in Virginia.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Pilgrims from England sail to America on the "Mayflower" to establish the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
  • Population Increases

    Population in America begins to steadily increase to estimate at 50,400.
  • Navigation Acts

    Fueled by the concept of Mercantilism, the Navigation Acts were put in place in order to only ship English goods by Englishmen's ships and taxes were placed on foreign goods. This took place during the years of 1651-1696.
  • English take New Amsterdam

    English capture both the New Amsterdam city and colony from the Dutch and choose to rename it (together as a whole) New York.
  • King Philip's War

    Caused because of the fact that Metacon was attempting to keep his land away from the English, but 1675 these colonies came together to get the land (all except for Rhode Island). In result, the English won but Metacon was killed in the crossfire. (1675-1678)
  • Pennsylvania is established

    The colony of Pennsylvania was formed by William Penn in hopes to keep peace with surrounding Native Americans and to remain religiously tolerant.