1600 1700


  • First settlement

    First settlement
    On the date, three ships landed in Jamestown, which established the first English settlement in the U.S.
  • Pilgrims

    On this date, Pilgrims first step foot on Plymouth Rock
  • Mayflower Compact

    The Puritans established the Mayflower Compact, it established a government and legal structure.
  • First Thanksgiving

    The Pilgrims and some of the Campanoag tribe have the first Thanksgiving feast in the autumn time.
  • The Indian Massacre of 1622

    This was when Chief Opchanacanough and the Powhatan Confederacy attempted to rid their colony of settlers; 1/3 of the settlers were killed.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot teamed up with their alliance to fight against Plymouth, Saybrok, and Massachusetts colonies; at the end of the war their were only 200 Pequot tribe members left.
  • Harvard

    On this day, Harvard college was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Treaty of Hartford

    This treaty ended the Pequot War.
  • Slavery in the Massachusetts Colony

    Slavery is legalized in the Massachusetts Colony.
  • The constitution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island

    On this date, the constitution of the General Assembly of Rhode island is drafted; in this the church and state are going to be separating.
  • Slavery

    Slavery is legalized in Connecticut and is also recognized in the American colonies.
  • The Navigation Act

    The Navigation Act is passed, the British Parliament controls colonial commerce in the New World.
  • King Philip's War

    One of the costliest wars for European settlements, twelve towns were destroyed.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    During Bacon's Rebellion, Jamestown was burned down. Nathanial Bacon lead the rebellion of planters against the Governor Berkeley.
  • First Newspaper

    On this date, the first newspaper was issued in the United States.