
  • Jamestown Established

    Jamestown is established in Virginia.
  • First Slaves

    Slaves first arrive in America on the Coast of Virginia
  • First Meeting of the House of Burgesses

    The first meeting of the House of Burgesses was held in Virginia.
  • Plymouth Colony Established

    Pilgrim's establish the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.
  • First Thanksgiving

    The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe share the first Thanksgiving meal together.
  • Peach Tree War

    Susquehannock Indians attack the New Netherland Settlements.
  • Seize of New Amsterdam

    The English seize New Amsterdam from the Dutch and then rename it New York
  • The Bloodless Revolution

    The Bloodless Revolution or "The Glorious Revolution" led to the passing of the Bill of Rights.