
  • Jamestown was settled

    Jamestown was settled
    The first European settlement in America.
  • First slaves were brought to America

    First slaves were brought to America
    20 African slaves were brought to America
  • House of Burgessess

    House of Burgessess
    First elected general assembly in the colonies. The first form of government since the settlers moved to the United States.
  • Plymouth Rock

    Plymouth Rock
    Plymouth Rock was identified as the first solid land the Pilgrims set foot on.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Allowed freedom of religion in Maryland.
  • New York was made

    New York was made
    English took New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it New York.
  • Expedition from the York River to the Appalachian Mountains

    Expedition from the York River to the Appalachian Mountains
    Johann Lederer led an expedition from the York River to the Appalachian Mountains at the will of Colonial Governor Sir William Berkeley, who believed the passage to the west and the Indian Ocean was only a few weeks away.
  • The Indian War

    The Indian War
    King Philip's War in New England with Metacom Indian forces attacking colonial settlements due to encroachment on the land.
  • Pennsylvania is established

    Pennsylvania is established
    William Penn signed a treaty with the Delaware Indians and paid for Pennsylvania lands.
  • Salem Witch Trails

    Salem Witch Trails
    Caused by a cultural belief in witches by the Christian Puritans, and social factors such as the young, unmarried women of Salem accused the married or widowed older women because they were jealous of their status in society.
  • Intercolonial Cooperation

    Intercolonial Cooperation
    William Penn creates the first colonial idea for combining colonies into one nation, that would influence the drafting of the Constitution.