
By Isaacd
  • Virginia Company is created

    Virginia Company is created
    Was a English trading company chartered by King James
  • Jamestown is established

    Jamestown is established
    James town is the first permanent settlement in located Virginia, America.
  • Tobacco is successfully planted

    Tobacco is successfully planted
    Americans found out that Tobacco grew really well and could sell for a lot.
  • Slaves

    First slave arrives in North America
  • Mayflower arrives

    Mayflower arrives
    A English ship that transported English Families (Pilgrims) to the New world
  • Plymouth Colony is established

    Plymouth Colony is established
    Was started by John Smith and was the capital of the colony.
  • Amsterdam is born

    Amsterdam is born
    Was a Dutch settlement. One of the biggest trading posts
  • Maryland is established

    Maryland is established
  • Rhode Island is established

    Rhode Island is established
    Rhode island was one of the colonies. It was established by Samuel Gorton
  • Slavery becomes legal

    Slavery becomes legal and anyone can own slaves
  • Amsterdam is renamed to New York

    Amsterdam is renamed to New York
    Amsterdam gets taken over by the English and is renamed to New York
  • Pennsylvania is established

    Pennsylvania is established
    Was established by William Penn.
  • Bill of rights is passed

    Bill of rights is passed
    Bill of rights has the first 10 amendments.