
  • The Virginia Company is now a royal charter

    King James I allowed the Virginia Company to become a royal charter
  • Jamestown, VA was founded

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the United States.
  • de Champlain began one of his journeys

    Samuel de Champlain left France and headed towards the current day Quebec
  • New Netherland was claimed by the Dutch

    New Netherland was located on the northeast coast of North America
  • American slave trade began

    About 20 African slaves were delivered to Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Mayflower Compact signed

    On board of the Mayflower, the Mayflower Compact was signed. The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony.
  • Indian Massacre

    The Powhatan killed any English settlers they found
  • Province of Maryland founded

    Maryland was mainly founded for the poor people, as well as people who were in trouble with the government.
  • Connecticut Colony founded

    Thomas Hooker founded the Connecticut Colony as a settlement for a Puritan congregation that was traveling with him.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut adopted

    This set of orders set the structure of the government along the Connecticut River.
  • Fundamental Agreement of the New Haven Colony signed

    This was an agreement for New Haven to be self-governed.
  • New England Confederation created

    The New England Confederation was a military alliance between New England colonies.
  • Third Anglo-Powhatan War began

    Powhatan warriors and the Virginia colonists began fighting.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians was mandated
  • Peach Tree War began

    New Amsterdam was attacked by Susquehannock Indians in an act of retaliation.
  • King Phillip's War began

    Massachusetts tried to rule over the local Indians which started this war known as one of the bloodiest in US history.
  • King Phillip's War ended

    Families and communities were destroyed and it took decades to recover from this bloody war.
  • Pueblo Revolt began

    The Pueblo people began an uproar with the Spanish colonizers.
  • Pueblo Revolt ended

    Nearly 400 Spanish people were killed by the Pueblo and the people that were left were drove out.
  • Province of Pennsylvania founded

    The third largest English colony in America, but it was next to the last to be founded.
  • Leisier's Rebellion began

    Jacob Leisler took control of the south portions of colonial New York.
  • Schenectady Massacre

    A New York colony village named Schenectady was attacked.
  • Leisier's Rebellion ended

    Leisier was arrested, which ended the rebellion.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Hearings of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts. These prosecutions lasted until May of 1693.