Timeline title

1600-1700 American History

  • Nova Scotia

    Nova Scotia
    Traders established Port Royal in Nova Scotia.
  • Virginia Company

    Virginia Company
    The Virginia Company was established.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was established in Virginia.
  • Refracting Telescope

    Refracting Telescope
    Hans Lippershey invented the first refracting telescope.
  • Santa Fe

    Santa Fe
    First permanent European settlement in the Southwest.
  • House of Burgess

    House of Burgess
    The House of Burgess was established.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts was established.
  • Dutch West

    Dutch West
    Dutch West India Company established colonies in Africa, The Caribbean and North America.
  • Providence

    Roger Williams created the settlement Providence in Rhode Island.
  • New York

    New York
    The English seized New Amsterdam colony from the Dutch and renamed it New York.
  • Charleston

    Charleston South Carolina was founded.
  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Trials.

    Paranoia about the supernatural lead to 20 being executed in New England.