
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the colonies. It was near the shoreline of Virginia and had room to dock ships.
  • Mars' orbit

    Johann Kepler has discovered that Mars is moving about the sun not in a perfect circle but in an ellipse. This contradicted Plato's belief about perfection and the heavens.
  • First slaves

    In 1619, the first 20 African slaves were brought to Jamestown by a dutch ship. As years passed, salves became cheaper and more common.
  • Increased slave demand

    Slaves in the west Indies are dying faster than they can be replaced. The sugar industry begins to suffer, and slave prices increase.
  • Massachusetts bay

    Massachusetts bay colony was in original English settlement in present-day Massachusetts, founded in 1628 and settled in 1630 by Puritan refugees.
  • Navigation acts

    The navigation acts we're a set of laws passed by England in the 1650s designed to encourage European countries to become self-sufficient.
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Bacons rebellion took place in 1676 by Virginian settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against Governor William Berkeley. The rebellion can be attributed to lower tobacco prices, increasing English restrictions, and rising prices of manufactured goods.
  • Glorious revolution

    The glorious revolution was nicknamed the bloodless revolution. Involve the overthrow of king James the second, who was leader replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband William.
  • King William's war

    King Williams war was between France and England as they fought over North America. They make me fight over control of the fur trade and it was the first of the French and Indian wars.
  • Salem witch trials

    The Salem witch trials took place in Massachusetts in 1692. Over 200 people were accused of being witches, and at least 20 were killed.