Map 1


  • Jamestown Colony

    Jamestown Colony
    The first colony was created in the United States. Jamestown was established by the London Company and was located in Southeast Virginia. It was briefly abandoned after its founding, but is still considered the first permanent establishment in the United States.
  • Manhattan Fur Trade

    Manhattan Fur Trade
    The Dutch colonists in Manhattan set up a fur trade. Furs were a large source of income for the early colonists, especially those in the north who could not farm in the winter. This fur trade also helped move along the friendly relations between the Native people and the European colonists.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The house of Burgesses was the first democratic assembly in the colonies. It took place in the Virginia General Assembly in the Jamestown colony. Landholding men of at least twenty one years could go and vote on who their leader would be.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    The Plymouth colony was established. The pilgrims landed in modern day Massachusetts This was the first Puritan colony to be established in the United States. Many of the pilgrims left England to find religious freedom, as well as more land to expand in. After the colonists got off of the Mayflower, forty one of them signed the Mayflower Compact, which made rules for how the new colony would be governed.
  • Boston

    Boston was established. John Winthrop led the puritans to establish Boston, the first major city in Massachusetts.
  • Provence of Maryland

    Provence of Maryland
    The province of Maryland was created to be a safe haven for the Catholics. Most of the colonists in the new world were Protestant, looking for refuge from the church of England. They were not too fond of Catholics because they were so severe in their beliefs, Maryland gave the Catholics their own land within the colonies.
  • Peach Tree War

    Peach Tree War
    This was the first major battle between the Native Americans and the European colonists. The Susquehannock Indians attacked the Dutch people in the New Netherland territory near modern day New Jersey.
  • Charleston

    This was the first major battle between the Native Americans and the European colonists. The Susquehannock Indians attacked the Dutch people in the New Netherland territory near modern day New Jersey.