
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown is founded in america
  • Tobacco

    First tobacco crop planted
  • First Slaves

    First Slaves
    the first 19or so Africans to reach the English colonies arrived in jamestown Virginia, in 1619, brought by English privateers who had seized them.
  • Marland

    in 1632, English King Charles I gave George Calvert a royal charter for the colony of Maryland. George died shortly after, but his son Cecil Calvert inherited the land. Cecil Calvert's brother, Leonard, led a number of settlers to Maryland in 1634
  • Charles I

    Charles I
    Charles the first executed for treason.
  • Virginia Law

    Virginia Law
    Virginia enacts a law of hereditary slavery meaning that a child born to an enslaved mother inherits her slave status.
  • King Philips War

    King Philips War
    King Philips War of 1675-1676 marked the last major effort by the Indians of Southern New England to drive out the English settlers.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion that took place 1676-1677 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley
  • New Hampshires President

    New Hampshires President
    The King appointed a President and Council from the 4,000 settlers of the seacoast area and required that they take office by January 21, 1680. John Cutt, a wealthy Portsmouth merchant became the first President of this unwanted government.
  • La Salle claiming Louisiana

    La Salle claiming Louisiana
    La Salle secured a contract for the colonization of lower Louisiana from Louis XIV in 1683.
  • Steam Pump

    Englishmen, Thomas Savery invents a steam pump.