
  • 1602

    The Dutch government grants the Dutch East India Company a monopoly to pursue trade in Asia.
  • 1609

    The Dutch have ended Potugal's domination of the Indian Ocean, and they establish a trading outpost on the western coast of India.
  • 1613

    Dutch arrive at the island of Timur, previously claimed by Portugal and now claimed by the Dutch.
  • 1619

    To work their tobacco fields, colonists in Virginia buy 20 blacks from a Dutch ship that arrives for supplies.
  • 1624

    The Dutch establish a fur trading post, Fort Orange, at what today is Albany, New York.
  • 1631

    The English build a fort on the northern "Gold Coast" in Western Africa.
  • 1632

    The town of Boston is founded.
  • 1636

    France, a largely Catholic country but allied with the Dutch and the Swedes, enters the Thirty Years' War against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 1641

    A fort is founded at what today is Montreal.
  • 1645

    The French establish an outpost at the mouth of Africa's Senegal River, where they trade for gum and for slaves.
  • 1648

    With the peace of Westphalia, the 80 years' war between Spain's Habsburg monarchy and the Dutch ends, Spain recognizing Dutch independence.
  • 1652

    The Dutch East India Company establishes a toe hold in southern Africa, near the Cape of Good Hope, to serve Dutch ships passing to and from the East.
  • 1659

    Near Cape Town, Dutch farmers are taking over Khoikhio (Hottentot) grazing land. The Khoikhoi attack the Dutch, who successfully defend themselves.
  • 1665

    Another war between the English and Dutch has begun. English soldiers seize the town of New Amsterdam and rename it New York after the King's brother, the Duke of York.
  • 1668

    The French establish their first factory in India, at Surat.
  • 1674

    The French establish a trading post in India.
  • 1675

    The economic burdens of the war and rising opposition to the war by Protestants and Parliament results in Charles II agreeing to a negotiated settlement with the Dutch.
  • 1683

    Tenant farming continues to dominate Korea's agriculture, with slaves laboring for some landowners. Except for small peddlers and rural crafts, commerce is government controlled. Law keeps people bound to their place of work. Confucianism inhibits economic growth, the Confucianists believing that exchange should be that of gift-giving rather inspired by gain.
  • 1695

    In Africa, the French blow up the English fort on the Gambia River.
  • 1700

    The world is populated by between 600 and 680 million people, up from between 540 to 580 in 1600 - roughly calculated.