
  • King James

    King James I of England is persuaded by wealthy investors to charter a joint stock company with two branches; the Plymouth and Virginia Company
  • Ships in James Town

    Three ships land in Jamestown and established the first settlement in the United States, There were 103 settlers among those three ships. John Smith is named to the governing council.
  • Pocahontas

    Jamestown continues to grow with the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. Their marriage would bring tobacco seeds to the colony and start harvesting them as well as making peace with the colonist and Indians.
  • The House of Burgess

    The House of Burgess's was the first representative assembly in America. It was founded in July 30th, 1619 and they meet for the first time in July 1619 in Virginia.
  • Small Pox

    Smallpox was brought in by Colonizers and killed 90% of the Native Americans in Massachusetts.
  • First Africans

    First Africans arrive to Virginia.
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth colony was the first permanent Puritan settlement. It was established in December 1620 by Pilgrims from England.
  • Monopoly

    States General pf Netherlands charters the Dutch West India Company, which is to have a monopoly on a trade and settlement in North and South America.
  • Massachusetts Bays Colony

    Settlers led by John Endecott settle in Salem causing the beginning of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.