Jamestown was established in America, first permanent English colony, after the Virginia company of Britain was fianced -
Because there was a shortage of laborers in jamestown, some dutch traders offered colonists slaves making the first 20 slaves purchased the first slaves in america -
The Plymouth Colony is founded by the pilgrims in Massachusetts ; which is when the mayflower compact was created. -
The colonists and indians got into a war known as the Powhata War or the Indian Massacre, involving John Smith and Tsenacommacah killing many indians -
1000 puritan refugees from england founded the Massachusetts bay colony. -
The Toleration Act in Maryland began, which was a act passed ensuring religious freedoms to Christians of different religions -
The bacon's rebellion started in Virginia between a natives and colonists after a disagreement, which escalated into the brutal attack of indians by Nathaniel Bacon and some others -
King William’s War was between France and England for control in America, in order to control the fur trade. -
The salem witch trial occurred in Massachusetts due to the accusation of many using witchcraft, 20 were excuted. -
Massechusettse passed a law that all roman catholists were ordered to leave the colony because at the time the colony was strictly apart of the purtian church