
  • Jamestown Established

    Jamestown was the first settlement established in America
  • French Colony of Quebec Established

    The French Colony of Quebec was Established by Samuel De Champlain
  • 30 Year War Begins

    The 30 Year War began when the protestants revolted against Catholic opression
  • Slaves Brought to Jamestown

    The first African slaves were brought over from Africa to the settlement of Jamestown
  • The Plymouth Colony Established

    The Plymouth Colony of Massachusetts was Established when the pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact on their ship, The Mayflower.
  • New Netherland Founded

    New Netherland was founded by the Dutch
  • New Amsterdam Seized By The English

    The English seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it New York
  • Pennsylvania Founded

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn