

  • Jamestown established

    Jamestown established
    The first settlement in America is established.
  • Europe Expands

    Europe Expands
    The Dutch and Spanish expand into North America.
  • Plymouth Established

    Plymouth Established
    The Plymouth Colony is established in Massachusetts.
  • Maryland Founded

    Maryland Founded
    Maryland is now considered a province
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War begins.
  • New Amsterdam - New York

    New Amsterdam - New York
    New Amsterdam is taken over by England and is renamed to "New York."
  • Pueblo Revolution

    Pueblo Revolution
    The Pueblo Revolution starts, Pope leads.
  • First Newspaper Published

    First Newspaper Published
    The First newspaper is published in Boston named The Public Occurrences.
  • Settling West

    Settling West
    Spanish José Romo de Vivar becomes the first to settle in Arizona, the farthest west anyone has settled so far.