
  • Jamestown,Virginia Established

    First permanent English colony on American mainland.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Published his Laws of Planetary Motion which explained the movement of planets around the sun.
  • Start of the Thirty Years' War

    Protestants revolt against Catholic oppression.
  • First Slaves Brought to America

    Sparked the American Civil War, which, for five years, forced the north and south into fighting for the freedom or slavery of African-Americans.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The first settlers' constitution of government, which allowed the pilgrims to act without problems from King James.
  • Plymouth Colony Established

    Plymouth provided what the pilgrims were looking for- religious freedom. Because of this early settlement, America was able to grow.
  • Boston Was Founded

    It was founded by Massachusetts colonists led by John Winthrop
  • End of the Thirty Years' War

    German population about half of what it was in 1618 because of war and pestilence.
  • Great Plague in London

    The plague killed 75,000 people.
  • French Settlers Move

    They move into Mississippi and Louisiana