
By ellap09
  • English East India Company was Established

    Began as a small English organization in London by London merchants which traded goods such as teas, spices, silks and porcelain with those lands of Asia and the Pacific. Soon evolving to a major trading company that helped shape the region's modern history.
  • Jamestown, Virginia was Established

    This was the first settlement of Virginia colony and American mainland. Here is when and when Pocahontas saves the life of John Smith. While exploring and searching for land, they chose Jamestown as their settlement because the Virginia Company advised them that the land could be easily defended from attacks from the European states that were also seeking land just as the English.
  • Samuel de Champlain Establishes the French Colony of Quebec

    Serving as the administrator of Quebec for the rest of his life, the French noblemen sponsored this voyage as they wanted him to seek out a French Colony.
  • Thirty Years War

    This war was based off of and fueled by Protestants who revolted against Catholic oppression. Fought primarily in central Europe. It is considered as the longest and most brutal wars of history as this war of religion brought many deaths and diseases along with it. As the war went on it began to be less depicted of religion and more of who would govern Europe.
  • First African Slaves Brought to British North America

    These were the first Africans to step foot onto the land of North American Continent which were brought over by the Dutch as they were traveling in ship throughout the Dutch manof-war. Their arrival and meaning to North America was a trendsetter for slavery as it marked the moment African's were pulled from their life without say into slavery for the rest of their lives.
  • Pilgrims Land in Plymouth Rock

    After a three month voyage on the Mayflower, the Pilgrim's finally arrived to their destination of Plymouth Rock where they will seek settlement. They are then the first permanent settlement of Europeans to settle in New England. Along with their significance in Thanksgiving, they also are the colony that introduced self government in America.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Settlement in present day Massachusetts that was founded by nearly 1000 Puritan refugees from England. Along with their grants similar to those of the Virginia Company, they founded and governed a theocratic government for Boston, Charlestown, Dorchester, Medford, Watertown, Roxbury, and Lynn.
  • English Civil War

    The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) arrived out of conflict between Charles I and Parliament over an Irish insurrection. The rivalry between King Charles I and his Westminster Parliament over who should control the army needed to win over the Irish insurrection in results of provoking the outbreak of civil war in England.
  • End of Thirty Years Way

    Finally, Europe and those of Protestants and Catholics saw the end of the longest and harmful war there was. Although it had ended, it only resulted in the decline of population as many were killed by war and disease.
  • English Calls for Restoration of Monarchy

    This was the moment Charles II returned as king resulting in strict Anglican orthodoxy.
  • Great Plague in London

    This great plague in London killed nearly 75,000 as the Bubonic Plague also known as the black death, broke out. Starting in the East, China, the plague soon spread to London leaving only the rich, such as King Charles II, to flee as the poor could not afford to save themselves from this disastrous thing.
  • Pennsylvania was Founded by William Penn

    One of the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a haven for his fellow Quakers as the war continued. Although after the war, Pennsylvania became the second state, after Delaware, to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
  • Beginning of French and Indian Wars

    The French and Indian war was a nine-year battle between France and England. This conflict sparked in 1689 when both Britain and France claimed territories in the New World being the area between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River but did not officially start the war until later. The Indians eventually allied with France.
  • William III of England defeats king James II

    William's reign in Britain. as he won the Battle of Boyne, marked the beginning of a transition from the personal rule of the Stuarts to a more Parliament-centered rule.