Period: to
Port Royal in Acadia
Nova Scotia, French settlement by traders. -
King James made peace with Spain
The Virginia Company
Plymouth Company
Joint stock company later to become a failed colony. -
Settlers moved to Virginia
the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery sailed up the James River. -
London Company
Joint Stock Company in 1606
Established Jamestown. -
Founded with the help of Samuel de Champlain. -
Henry Hudson
He was commissioned by the Dutch to find the Northwest Passage. -
Sante Fe
First European Settlement was established in the Southwest. -
Pocahontas and John Rolfe
Their marriage eased tensions between Natives and the English. -
Jamestown Immigrants
Eighty percent of the English settlers had perished by this time. -
John Rolfe crossed two tobacco plants and planted Virginia's first cash crop. -
House of Burgesses
Established by the Virginia Company -
Plymouth Colony
founded by the Pilgrims
Departed on the Mayflower in May and landed in America in December. -
Dutch West India Company
Chartered by the Netherlands to help establish colonies. -
Launched surprise attack on the English killing around 350 settlers. English retaliated many times over. -
Henry Hudson organized first Dutch settlement
King Charles
Foe of the Puritans causing the the Great Migration. -
Peter Minuit
"Bought" Manhattan from the Munsee people. -
The Eleven Slaves
These eleven Enslaved Africans were tasked with building New Amsterdam. -
Massachusetts Bay
Founded by the English. -
Given to Cecilius Calvert, the second Lord Baltimore, by King Charles. -
Founded by the English -
Rhode Island
Start of Pequot War
Newtown was established later to be called Hartford. -
End of Pequot War
Puritan attack on Pequots
Called themsevles "the Sword of the Lord" and torched the Native Americans community. -
First African Marriage
The colonies first slave marriage. -
Start of Governor Kieft’s War
Act of War against the Natives, a massacre of 150 Lenapes. -
Body of Liberties
Mass Bay Colony, precursor to state Constitution. -
Civil war in England
Caused by tensions between Parliment and King Charles. -
End of Governor Kieft’s War
Execution of King Charles
Navigation Act of 1651
Encouraged importation directly to England on English boats. -
Start of Esopus Wars
Conflicts between the Lenape/Delaware tribes and New Netherland colonists. -
End of Esopus Wars
Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Was given a charter by King Charles II. -
New Netherlands
Handed over to the English by the Dutch. -
Founding of Charles Town
Named Charleston in the 1780s. -
King Philip’s War
An uprising against English colonists. -
End of King Philip’s War
Bacon's Rebellion
Rebellion against Governor Berkley who defended the Native Americans. -
Founded by William Penn when he used his father's debt to receive a patent for the Society of Friends or Quakers to live in Pennsylvania. -
Monmouths Rebellion
An attempt to overthrow James II. -
Dominion of New England
Established by James II for tighter control of the colonies. -
Sir Edmund Andros
Forced colonists in Maine into military service against Native Amrericans. -
Start of the Glorious Revolution
A bloodless revolution overthrowing James II. -
Bill of Rights
By Parliment, curtailed monarchy rule in England. -
North Carolina
the Lords Proprietor founded a seperate Carolina province for better control of the colonists. -
Decree of Sanctuary
Spanish decree that enslaved escapees from English colonies could flee there if they converted to Catholicism and the Spanish crown.