
  • Period: to


  • Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown, South Virginia, becomes the first English settlement in the Americas after many previous attempts
  • John Rolfe marrys Pocahontas

    John Rolfe's marriage to Pocahontas brings eight years of peace between the indians and the Americans.
  • Indian massacre 1622

    Chief Opchanacanough and the Powhatan Confederacy try to drive the English settlers out. The peace obtained through the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe is no more. About 300 English people were killed.
  • Maryland is founded

    Maryland is founded as a Catholic colony in the Americas and promotes religious freedom.
  • Last rebellion of the Opchanacanough and the Powhatan Indians

    The Indians attack the English settlement of Jamestown but the attack was unsuccessful.
  • Constitution of the General Assembly of Rhode Island

    The constitution separated church and state and motivated people to participate in legislation.
  • New Amsterdam taken by the British

    British troops take New Amsterdam from the Dutch in a non-violent takeover.
  • King Phillips war starts

    King Phillip's War begins when the Metacom Indians attacked English settlements due to intrusion of their lands.
  • King Phillips war ends

    The end of the war marks the end of the last major effort to drive the English out of America by the Native Americans.
  • Bacon's rebellion begins

    Nathanial Bacon initiates a rebellion against Governor Berkeley over alleged thefts from Native Americans in Jamestown. Jamestown is burned down.
  • France claims Louisiana

    Robert Cavalier, Sieur de LaSalle explores the area of the lower Mississippi River Valley and claims it for France.
  • Pennsylvania is founded

    William Penn signs a treaty with Delaware Indians and obtains the lands of Pennsylvania.