
  • Settlement in Jamestown

    three ships land in Jamestown, establishing the first English settlement in the United States.
  • Marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe

    Their marriage led to eight years of peace among the colonists and Indians.
  • African slaves arrive in America

    a Dutch slaves ship brought 20 slaves to Jamestown
  • Mayflower Compact signed

    The Mayflower Compact, the first governing document of Plymouth Colony was signed.
  • 1st school in America established

    The first school in America is founded in New Amsterdam.
  • French and Iroquois enter war

    French and Iroquois Wars escalate to full warfare
  • Slavery legal in Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts colony becomes the first colony to legalize slavery.
  • Harvard becomes 1st legalized corporation in the U.S

    The Harvard Board becomes the first legalized corporation in the American colonies.
  • Navigation Act is passed

    The Navigation act is passed by British Parliament to control colonial commerce in the New World.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion causes the burning of Jamestown. Nathanial Bacon leads the rebellion of planters against Governor Berkeley. Bacon would perish and twenty-three others were executed.
  • Toleration Acts are passed

    The Toleration Acts are passed by Parliament which gives limited Freedom of Religion to citizens.
  • First issued newspaper in the U.S

    The first newspaper issue in the United States publishes in Boston, the Public Occurrences. It was suppressed after its initial issue and the publication of a regular newspaper would not begin again until 1704.