Meeting of the Estates General
King Louis XVI made this meeting because France was having financial problems, because of the bad wasting of them in the royal family. The people of the third estate go with candles in the hands in way of protest. -
Fall of the Bastille
In Bastille, they only have 7 prisoners but in the French Revolution has a very symbolic fall because in those times the revolution was beggining -
March on Versailles
It was in the palace of Versailles, these march was caused by some women in the markets start protesting about the high prices of the food and the fault of rights. So this womens join with the protestants of the french revolution, that were protesting for a change in the monarchy -
Flight to Varennes – king tries to run away
On this day King Louis XVI wants to scape for starting a counterrevolution but when he stops the people recognize him and put to Louis cherges of treason to France years after he get beheaded. -
Dissolution of the National Assembly
It is about the Legislative Assembly would hold the power in revolutionary France, until the National Convention -
War with Austria
This happens when France tries to encroach Austria and Rusia, so France the declaration a war to the monarchy Habsburg a few days ago some of the countries of Europe helps Habsburg. The idea of the countries of Europe was to contain the french revolution but they don't do. -
Declaration of the Republic
It was the first declaration of the republic under the one of Napoleon, these make government change several times -
The Trial of Louis
This day is when the convention was voting to what was going to happen to the king Louis and 361 deputies vote to Louis immediate execution, before he dies the National Assembly says France to be a republic and remove part fo the corrupt monarchy that means a change in the government. -
Reign of Terror
They were some changes in the boom of the French Revolution and that means the protests intensify -
The Directory
Was the government of a committee of 5 members, In the first republic of France it was removed by Napoleon in the cup of the 18 Brumaire and replace it by the consulate -
Napoleon In 1799
It makes reference to the coup in that date of the republican french calendar, these ends with the directory, which was the last govern of the french revolution. -
Napoleonic wars
The wars of Napoleon was a series of Belic conflicts, that happened when Napoleon Bonaparte governed french. In 1802 was when the wars begin but in 1803 have the boom, the wars finished in the war of Waterloo and the second trade of Paris and there is when Napoleon lose. -
Latin American Wars of Independence
1808 - 1833
In general they were a lot of wars between countries because of the combinations between regions, like Criollo, Mestizos, Etc; want a indepence from the european countries. In consecuence of these in wars Spain loses a lot of posetions in Latin America. -
Congress of Vienna, assembly in 1814-1815
The Congress of Viena reorganized Europe after the napoleonic wars that means shortly before the Waterloo campaign and final defeat of Napoleon.