15th, 16th and 17th Dynasties (Hyksos Dynasty)

  • Period: 1241 BCE to 1069 BCE

    Second Intermediate Period B

    The 15th, 16th, and 17th Dynasties, also known as the Second Intermediate Period B, ruled from 1241 to 1069 B.C. This happened after the Hyksos invaded Egypt, forcing Amenemhet III south for the last 10 years of his reign. They were shepherd kings from the north, possibly to be identified with the Amalekites of the Hebrew Bible. At the end of their rule over Egypt, Ahmose I defeated them in 1069 B.C.
  • Period: 1241 BCE to 1231 BCE

    Amenemhet III (in South)

    Amenemhet III was forced south by the invading Hyksos for the last 10 years of his reign, from 1241 B.C. to 1231 B.C.
  • Period: 1090 BCE to 1069 BCE

    Apophis (Apop / Agag)

    Apophis was the last king of the Hyksos Dynasty. He was defeated once by Ahmose I, who relocated him and the Hyksos / Amalekites back to Edom in 1069 B.C. He was then defeated again 19 years later, by Saul, king of Israel, in 1050 B.C.