Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon took office on this date. He was the first Commander in Chief hired to stop a war. -
Chief of State
Nixon executed a plan called "southern stratagy." It was used to reduce racism to african americans in southern states. ( date of plan not accurite) -
Commander and Chief: Vietnam war
Nixon campaigned agenst the war and told the people that he would send troops home. When he got in the office he instead sent troops over to Cambodia. -
Chief Executive
Richard Milhous Nixon was also a good Chief Executive. He opened up relations with the country that America today relies on so much, China. -
Chief Executive
Richard Milhous Nixon was, in a way, a bad Chief Executive. He was bad because of the Watergate scandle that rusulted in burglary from the Democratic National Commitee at the Watergate Office complex. -
Head of Political Party
Richard Nixon is believed to have dismissed the pullout of troops in Vietnam. -
Treaty Between USA and North Vietnam
North Vietnam and the United States form a peace treaty. Terms of treaty were: Cease fire and return all american P.O.W's