Immigration to the Prairies (Dominion Lands Act)
This act was a law passed by the government of Canada to encourage settlement in the praire provinces(only applied there, no where else in Canada woudl have the same offer), which was similar to the United States' Homestead Act. The act would give a total of 160 acres of land to any male farmer who wishes to work at least 40 acres of the land and build a peranment home for $10. -
"Last Best West"
This was the slogan used to advertise Canadian prairies to promising immigrants. Offering 160 acres of free land to a european settler who wished to work and live there, the advertisement proved to have worked as large number of immigrants poured in from crowded, poor, and sometimes hostile countries to take hold of this rare offer. -
Labour Unions (Trade Unions Act)
It was illegal for workers to form labour unions before the Trades Unions Act was in place. After that act 10% of the working industry was in a union at some point. These unions would ban together to fight for better living conditions, higer wages and other demands alike. Although these would usually fail because the strikers could be easily replaced and strike breakers could be quickly assembled. -
Immigration Issues in Canada
A head tax was imposed and the Chinese Immigration Act was in place. This was an futile attempt to stop non-european/white people from immigrating into Canada. Soon more restrictions were imposed to slow down asian immigration like continous passage from country of origin. One example was the Komagata Maru, which was a japanese steamboat carrying 376 passengers, orginally planned to drop off its immigrants to Canada, it was not allowed to do so since the immigration laws prevented the drop off. -
Alaska Boundary Dispute
A boundary dispute that arose when the United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1886. Canada demanded the control of certain fiords, which was claimed by the U.S. after Alaska was bought -
Laurier Boom Years - Arrival of New Inventions
During the Laurier era, many new inventiosn and ideas were surfacing. Very new revolutionizing inventions were being used during Laurier's time in office. Inventions such as traffic lights, aeroplanes, large ships and electric dolls changed the way people will live. Along with the increasing population cities and towns alike would benifit greatly. -
Nisga'a Land Claim
Every since the first land committee, the Nisga'a have been trying to negotiate a treaty wth the government about entitling aboriginal title to land, larger reserves and compensation for any land that was given up. This would not be resovled until over 100 years later when a the land-claim was settle once and for all on Augest 4, 1998. A treaty was sign on May 4, 1999 and May 27, 1999 -
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Was Canada's first French Prime Minster and seventh Prime Minster of Canada. Known for developing compromises to try to statisfy both Imperialist and Nationalist needs. -
Life in the City
The rapidly increasing population of Canada ment that the cities will be fairly large and many company owners took advantage of the extra labour force and invested in factories. This encouraged settlers from more rual areas to live in urban cities because work was no hard to find. Gradually these large urban areas became major cities later on. -
Life on the Prairies
Life on the praires was difficult at first for the most part. When the act gave the immigrants them the land they had to builded a homestead within three years which ment they had to buy equipment to work the land as well as building a house to live in. The average amount that would be need to do this would be around $500, this would be gained by workign the coal mines, railroads or any job requiring manually labour. After this they may start cultivating their land and earn their living from it. -
Boer war
The Boer war fought between British empire troops and Boer/South Africa Republic that lasted until May 31 1902. The British Empire wanted the gold that was in the Boer territories and decleared war after the they refused to allow control of the areas. Canada's Prime Minister, Wilfrid Laurier, tried to stay from the war but English Canadians wanted to fight, although French Canadians wanted the opposite and just stay out. -
Building a New Railway
Due to the increase amount of people immigrating, passing through, and increased amount of goods coming through, more railways were need to meet these demands. These railway projecs also supplied the country with more jobs. Some examples of railways built to satisfy these needs are the Grand Truck Railraod and Canadian Northern railway. -
Alberta Becoming a Province
Canda's Prime Minister, Laurier had thought that placing the Territories District of Assiniboia, District of Athabasca, Alberta, and Saskachewan into 2 provinces woudl be easier to govern. So half of District of Assiniboia and District of Athabasca were merged into Alberta the other half into Saskachewan -
Saskatchewan Becoming a Province
The middle province of the three praire provinces. It became a province along with Alberta. The other half of the districts that did not merge with Alberta merged with Saskachewan to form the present day Saskatchewan. -
Anti-Asian Riots
These riots agaist asians was a controversal attemped to make a "White Canada." The riots formed by white supremacist crowds marched from Bellingham, driving the Sikhs out of the lumber business and soon after marching toward Vancouver City demanding a white Canada at the city hall and vandalizing and seeing the absolute destruction of buildings in Chinatown as well as other asian communities alike, such as the Japanese. -
Naval Crisis
The Brtish Empire decided on the "Two-Power Standard," which was a standard that Britain should have a navy equal or more powerful than any 2 countries navy. British HMS Dreadnought was the start of this standard and all of Britain's colonies would help pay for the cost of the navy which place Canadian Prime minister Laurier in a bad spot with a failed compromise. -
Robert Borden becoming Prime Minster
Sir Robert Borden was the eighth Prime Minster of Canada. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, he was in office from October 11, 1911 to July 10, 1920. He played a large role in WWI and with the Treaty of Versailles. His slogan for his federal election campaign was "A White Canada," appealing to all the British Columbians who resent the asian population. -
World War I
Once Britain had decleared war on Germany, Canada was automatically joined in the war, although Canada did have the choice to choose how much participation it was going to offer in the war. The end result was four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force which gained respect from the western front. -
Women's Movement (Women's Suffrage)
Before women would not be allowed to vote, only male property owners were. The road to allowing women to vote was paved by the suffragettes, women who wanted to vote, they campaigned for the right to vote by doing outstanding plays and such. Men eventually agreed with them and finally after 2 years of progressive campaigning Manitoba became the first to give women the right to vote. Shortly after other provinces took the same idea and gave women the right to vote. -
Battle of Vimy Ridge
An engagement that gave Canada a sense of unity and achievement has Canadian soldiers captured a fortified hill guarded by the German sixth army. Leading Canada to send its representatives to the Treaty of Versaille.