
1550-1628 By:Adam and Mason

  • Vizcaino,Sebastian

    He failed to colonize southern california.He led an expedition to establish a colony at La Paz and explored the innercoast of the gulf.
  • Vizcaino,Sebastian

    The vicory of new spain selected him to lead an expedition to explore the California coast to find a site that would meet his needs.
  • Vizcaino,Sebastian

    the Viceroy of New Spain selected him to lead an expedition to explore the California coast to find a site that would meet his needs.
  • Vizcaino,Sebastian By:Adam and Trey

    Vizcaino,Sebastian By:Adam and Trey
    He sailed up to the coast of California at the request of king Philip the 2nd of spain.
  • Vizcaino,Sebastian

    The expedition left Acapulco and returned ten months later on march 21st 1603.Two ships and a frigate set sail from Alcapulco Mexico.
  • Vizcaino,Sebastian

    He traveled to Japan meeting with the retired shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu.