
B2 Emmanuel Corral Ryan Patrick

  • Chief Diplomat

    Chief Diplomat
    When the alliance for progress and the peace corps was formed by president John F Kennedy, he brouht american idealism to the aid of developing nations all around the world.
  • Political party leader

    Political party leader
    John F. Kennedy when he was running for office appointed Lyndon B. Johnson for his Vice President. And he later became president when J.F.K. was assasinated.
  • Most important decision

    Most important decision
    President JFK's speech at rice university reaffirmed to land a man on the moon by the end of the 60's. This was such a big topic because the US was almost in a race with russia to reach the moon first.
  • Appointment to the Supreme Court of Justice

    Appointment to the Supreme Court of Justice
    President John F. Kennedy appointed Arthur Goldberg to the supreme court of justice in seat 2. After the legislative branch checked his power the allowed Arthur to have that job.
  • Chief legislator

    Chief legislator
    During John F. Kennedy's term he vetoed 21 bills which none were overturned. One third of the bills he overturned were in the month of October which is a lot of vetoing.
  • John F. Kennedy's Executive order 11110

    John F. Kennedy's Executive order 11110
    Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.
  • commander in chief

    commander in chief
    President Kennedy expresses optimism that the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty could lead to a dtente with the Soviet Union. Though the President is clearly interested in signing the treaty, he also expresses concern that other nations, like China, will conduct their own tests thus forcing the United States to return to testing.
  • Chief of State

    Chief of State
    President John F. Kennedy was in a parade when he was assinated. It was one of the saddest things to see that happen. When he died Lyndon B. Johnson took over as president.