15 Important events during 1877-1920

  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    In Martinsburg, West Virginia, workers went on strike in response to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads cutting their wages for the third time that same year. Workers protested by blocking and not allowing any type of train to move until the wage cut was revoked.
  • the invention of the light bulb

    the invention of the light bulb
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. This invention helped establish social order after sundown, extended the workday well into the night, and allowed us to navigate and travel safely in the dark
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the United State for 10 years, while allowing students and merchants to immigrate. Which declared Chinese immigrants ineligible for naturalization.
  • The Pendleton Act

    The Pendleton Act
    The Pendleton act was provided for selection of some government employees by competitive exams rather than ties to politicians, and made it illegal to fire or demote some government officials for political reasons.
  • The Haymarket Square Riot

    The Haymarket Square Riot
    In Chicago, Labor radicals organized a rally in Haymarket Square to protest the killing and wounding of workers, by the Chicago police at the McCormick Reaper works.
  • The Statue of Liberty is Dedicated

    The Statue of Liberty is Dedicated
    Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the
    people of France and the U.S. and a sign for their mutual desire for liberty. It commemorates the alliance between France and the U.S. during the Revolutionary War.
  • "Gospel of Wealth" is published

    "Gospel of Wealth" is published
    This book was created by Andrew Carnegie. It’s a significant break with the individualistic narrative that people were often given. It spoke on the contribution, legacy, and community as important values.
  • The Sherman Anti-trust Act

    The Sherman Anti-trust Act
    The first federal act that outlawed monopolistic business
    practices. Also the first measure passed by the U.S.
    congress to prohibit trusts.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island was the most important entry into America for immigrants, those mostly from Europe and it represented America to the millions of immigrants.
  • The Homestead steel strike

    The Homestead steel strike
    In Homestead, PA, workers of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and steel protested a proposed wage cut, by striking the Carnegie steel company. Which then resulted in the company's general manager deciding to break the union.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    One of the most bitterly fought industrial disputes in the history of U.S. labor. It was a strike that disrupted rail traffic. The governor of Pennsylvania called out the state militia to enable management to regain control of the area.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    A U.S. Supreme Court decision that allowed racial segregation under the "Separate but equal" doctrine. This resulted into the restrictive Jim Crow legislation.
  • Founding of the NAACP

    Founding of the NAACP
    The NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of colored people. It is to eliminate race-based discrimination and secure the equality of rights. This association led the black civil rights struggle in fighting injustices.
  • Beginning of World War 1

    Beginning of World War 1
    WWI began due to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. This assassination started a chain of events that led to WWI, which lasted for 4 years.
  • The 14 Points

    The 14 Points
    This statement, made by Woodrow Wilson, was used for peace negotiations to end World War 1. He wanted to prevent future wars, which unfortunately failed.