1492-1774 Timeline

  • Oct 30, 1492

    Columbus lands in the New World

    While searching for the Indies, Columbus lands in the Bahamas, which later become sthe New World and provides explorers with much wealth.
  • Oct 1, 1500

    The Renaissance

    The intellectual and artistic advancements of the Renaissance helped develop the Americas.
  • Sep 30, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Led by Martin Luther, the Catholic church began reforming back to its initial practices.
  • Oct 1, 1535

    African Slavery in North America

    The first slaves are brought over from Africa, and they revolutionize the labor system in the New World.
  • Oct 1, 1550

    Europe is introduced to tobacco

    Tobacco becomes a huge source of profit for the New World.
  • Founding of Jamestown, Virginia

    The English's first successful attempt of a settlement in the New World.
  • Quebec is founded

    Helps fur trading on the St. Lawrence river thrive.
  • Founding of the House of Burgesses

    The English Colonies' first representative government.
  • Great Migration

    Puritans emmigrated in mass numbers to North America, helping to populate and colonize the New World.
  • Pequot War

    The Pequots fought the neighboring settlers over land, resulted in mass deaths.
  • King Philip's War

    Tenstion builds over land between the English and the Indian peoples.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    A group of colonists led by Nathanial Bacon protested the treatment of Indians. Fuelled tenstion between backcountry colonists and city colonists.
  • Glorious Revolution

    England's conversion to a consitutional monarchy caused rebellions in the New World.
  • Toleration Act established

    Mandated religious tolerance in Massachusetts.
  • King William's War

    Initiates tension between the English and French.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    The largest witch trials ever held in North America, and it sent Salem into a complete frenzy.
  • Florida becomes a slave refuge

    The Spanish create a safe place for escaped slaves, allowing them a chance at freedom.
  • Great Awakening

    Religious importance that had declined in North America is revived.
  • Triangle Trade

    Early form of globalization.
  • French and Indian War

    Seven year war in which the French and Indians fight the English.