1488-1619 timeline

By ploftis
  • Period: Nov 27, 1096 to Jan 1, 1270


    The christian religion set on a Holy war to take back the holy land.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Desire for contact with Asia

    Desire for contact with Asia
    In the early 1400s a desire for spices was formed. which means an easy trade route to Asia was required.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Caravel makes it possible to sail against the wind

    Caravel makes it possible to sail against the wind
    In the early to mid 1400s an Invention was made by a spanish inventor named "Caravel"
  • Jan 1, 1419

    Prince henry founds navigation school

    Prince henry founds navigation school
    Prince Henry, the world renowned navigationalist. founded a school to train sailors for exploration
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Portugese have trading posts along west coast of Aftica

    Portugese have trading posts along west coast of Aftica
    In January of 1460 Portuguese set up trading posts across the west coast of Africa
  • May 29, 1480

    Dias sails around the Southern tip of Africa

    Dias sails around the Southern tip of Africa
    An explorer by the name of Dias sailed all the way around the southern tip of Africa
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Portugal captures Goa

    Portugal captures Goa
  • Oct 1, 1492

    spanish columbus tries to find fast rout to Asia but finds America instead

    spanish columbus tries to find fast rout to Asia but finds America instead
    After setting sail august 1492, Christopher Columbus was assigned a mission to find a rout to Asia, but instead in october found America (god bless him)
  • Jul 1, 1498

    Vasco de Gama sails to India

    Vasco de Gama sails to India
    In early july 1498 Vasco de Gama sails to India in search for a trade route
  • Jan 1, 1499

    de Gama returns to portugal with valuable cargo

    de Gama returns to portugal with valuable cargo
    1499 De gama returned form his voyage. with a lot of precious cargo
  • Jan 1, 1499

    Treaty of Tordesilla divides americas between Spain and Portugal

    Treaty of Tordesilla divides americas between Spain and Portugal
    A major treaty with a complex name divides the americas between Spain and Portugal
  • Jan 30, 1511

    Portugal seizes Malacca

    in 1511 Portugal seizes the islamic country of malacca
  • Portugal defeats Muslims and takes over india trade

    Portugal defeats Muslims and takes over india trade
    in 1609 (exact date unknown) Portugal defeats the muslims and takes over all of the india trade
  • Dutch set up trade

    Dutch set up trade headquarters at Batavia
  • English and Dutch begin moving to Asia

    English and Dutch begin moving to Asia