1450 CE - 1750CE Timeline

  • Period: Jul 27, 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    -Conquested by Constaninople
    -Multinational and multiligual empire
    -contained 32 provinces
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to Jan 1, 1500

    Beginning of Portuguse Slave Trade

    -brought in copper ware, cloth, tools, wine and horses. In return got gold
    -trade began in Ghana, Benin, Gabon, and Mali
    -The Kongo was devastated by Portugal trade
  • Period: Nov 20, 1450 to

    Columbian Exchange

    Transfre of peoples, animals, plants, and diseases between the New and Old World.
    -Long era of Biological and technological transfers that altered American enviornments
  • Period: Nov 20, 1451 to Nov 20, 1481

    Reign of Mehmed the Conqueror

    -Ottoman Sultan
    -conquered Constatinople and brought an end to Byzantine Empire
    -Took Byzantines' administrative apparatus into Ottoman state
    -conquests in Asia
    -Anatolian reunification in Europe, Bosnia, And Croatia
  • Nov 14, 1460

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator
    -fourth son of John I
    -commanded the expedition that captured Ceuta (Portugal's first oversea conquest)
    -Henry acted as intermediary between his brother Pedro, protected him
    -initiator of continuous maritime exploration
  • Period: Nov 20, 1464 to Nov 20, 1492

    Reign of Sunni Ali

    -Songhay grew to its largest under his reign
    -created an army with full time pro soliders
    -won many battles
    -captured Timbuktu
  • Jan 1, 1469


    -fifth Aztec emperor - king of Tenochtitlan
    -took power in 1440, after the death of his half-uncle Itzcoatl
    -divided land between Texcoco and the Aztecs
    -construction a double aqueduct pipe system, that supplyed the city of Tenochtitlan with fresh water.
    - extended the boundaries of the Aztec empire beyond the Valley of México
  • Period: Jan 1, 1487 to Jan 1, 1488

    Dias voyage into Indian Ocean

    -Portuguese explorer who sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa
    -Said to be 1st european to explore that region
    -Named Cape of Good Hope cape of storms
    -Accompanied and helped Vasco da Gama by opening a route to India
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus' 1st Voyage

    Columbus' 1st Voyage
    -left Palos with three ships, the Santa Maria, Niña and Pinta.
    - explored the northeast coast of Cuba
    -left the other two ships without permission in Cuba and sailed by himself in search of an island called "Babeque," He was told by native guides that there was alot of gold. Columbus continued with the Santa Maria and Niña ships eastward, and arrived at Hispaniola on December 5. Here, he abandoned the Santa Maria
  • Sep 22, 1495

    Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent

    Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent
    • 1 of the greatest rulers of Ottoman Empire -fierce conqueror of Islamic religion -During his reign Ottoman Empire was at its hieght in terms of power & prosperity -performed acts of kindness and mercy towards his people: freed 100s of slaves, gave his officers gifts, building a school for slaves. -Demand complete loyalty from his subjects because of all his good works
  • Period: Nov 20, 1502 to

    Safavid Empire

    -Combination of Turks & Mongolian tribes who adopted the customs and language of the Persians
    -Dynasty was founded by one of Genghis Khan's grandsons
    -Interests in Sufism, Islamic mysticism
  • Period: Feb 20, 1519 to Aug 15, 1521

    Spanish Conquest of Mexico

    -event in the Spanish colonization of the Americas
    -led by Hernán Cortés and Tlaxcalan warriors
    -captured Tenochtitlan
    -eight months of battles
  • Period: Nov 20, 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    -Effective rule over India
    -Seven generations of rulers maintained adminstrative organization
  • Period: Nov 19, 1545 to Nov 19, 1563

    Council of Trent

    -Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church.
    -considered to be one of the Church's most important councils.
    -in Trento, Italy
    -issued condemnations on Protestant heresies and clarified Church teachings in the areas of Scripture and Tradition
    -answered Protestant disputes
    -issued many reform decrees
  • Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    -German monk, priest, and a professor of theology and an important figure of the Protestant Reformation
    -strongly went against the church because he believed that freedom from God's punishment for sin could not be purchased with money that the church gained from the people
    -Created the Ninety-Five Theses that he published by using the printing press. His Theses boldly went against everything the church forced the people to believe.
    -His theses changed the world drastically
  • Period: Nov 20, 1556 to

    Reign of Akbar

    -3rd Mughal Emperor
    -Timurid descent
    -At the end of his reign India covered most of northern & central India
    -13 years old when he became king
    -significantly influenced art & culture in the country
    -great patron of art and architecture
  • Songhai Empire

    Songhai Empire
    -Located in West Africa
    -One of the largest islamic civilizations
    -Gold Salt Trade -conquered many of their neighboring states
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    -feudal military dictatorship in Japan
    -established by Tokugawa leyasu
    -ruled by shoguns of Tokugawa family
    -warrior samurai held most of the power in the very rigid social hierarchy
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    -series of wars in Central Europe
    -longest and most destructive conflicts in European history
    -mostly a religious war between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire
    -also a fight over politics and the balance of power
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    -Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution
    -achievements: improvements to the telescope, support for Copernicanism
    -experienced heliocentrism because of his beliefs in science
    - experienced heliocentrism becuase he went against the church
    -attacked Pope Urban VIII
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    -Last Imperial dynasty of China
    -founded by Jurchen Aisin Gioro clan
    -unifyed Jurchen clans
  • Manchus Empire

    Manchus Empire
    -largest branch of Tungusic peoples
    -4th largest ethnic group
    -Conquered China
    -empire fell when country became a republic
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    -Ruled Tsardom of Russia and after the Russian Empire
    -Ruled along with his half brother Ivan V
    -expanded Tsardom into a huge empire that maintained major European power
    -led a cultural revolution that replaced the traditionalist & medieval social & political system with modern scientific European rational system
  • John Calvin

    John Calvin
    -influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation.
    -figure in the development of Calvinism
    -broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530
    -fled to Basel, Switzerland here, he published The Institutes of the Christian Religion
    -expelled after trying to reform the church in Geneva with William Farel (they were both expelled by the council)
  • England's Glorious Revolution

    England's Glorious Revolution
    -overthrow of King James II
    -by a union of English Parliamentarians
    -King James II was trying to reverse many of the anti-Catholic laws and constitutional changes
    -The English promisied support to William of Orange if he helped overthrow the king
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    known as the Father of Classical Liberalism
    -English philosopher and physician
    -an Enlightenment thinker
    -one of the first of the British empiricists
    -important to social contract theory
  • Period: to

    Russian Empire

    -one of the largest empires in history
    -Soviet Union
    -large dsparity of economics, ethnicity, & religion
    -Government was ruled by an Emperor
    -constitutional monarchy
    -participated in World War 1