14 entries from A Brief History of Photography: image, entry, description, in correct order

  • 5 BCE

    Camera Obscura

    Camera Obscura
    Early optics device that projected images; used as a tool for tracing scenes.
  • First permeant photo

    First permeant photo
    Niepce created the first permeant photo using bitumen on pewter plates.
  • Daguerreotype

    Louise Daguerre introduced this process, which offered sharper images on silver coated copper plates.
  • Collodion Process

    Collodion Process
    Fredrick Scott archer introduced a wet plate process, which enabled sharper and reproducible images.
  • First color photograph

    First color photograph
    James Clerk Maxwell created the first ever color picture using three exposures through red, green, and blue filters.
  • Dry-plate photograph

    Dry-plate photograph
    Richard Maddox developed dry plates, making photography more convenient and portable.
  • Kodak camera and film

    Kodak camera and film
    George Eastman revolutionized photography with a roll of film and very affordable cameras
  • Autochrome Lumière

    Autochrome Lumière
    The Lumière brothers introduced the first widely available color photograph process.
  • 35mm Film and Leica Camera

    35mm Film and Leica Camera
    The Leica camera popularized 35mm film for small portable cameras, which allowed photojournalism.
  • Daguerreotype

    Talbot invented the calotype, that produced negatives and allowed multiple prints.
  • Polaroid instant camera

    Polaroid instant camera
    Edwin Land developed instant photography's which allowed photos to be able to develop within minutes
  • Digital images

    Digital images
    Willard Boyle and George Smith invented the CCD sensor, which formed the foundation of digital photography
  • First digital camera

    First digital camera
    Stevon Sasson of Kodak built the first digital camera, capturing black-and-white images.
  • Smartphone Photography

    Smartphone Photography
    Smartphones were built with built in cameras which allowed you to take pictures wherever and whenever ad they all stay on your phone, for you to look back on.