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Thirteenth Amendment to Operation Overlord

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment officially ended slavery in the United States. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued nearly a year before, only freed the slaves in areas outside of Union control. The 13th amendement, however, prohibited the institution of slavery everywhere in America. Before the abolition of slavery, slaves were prohibited from owning property or receiving an education. After being freed, they were without education or political representation, so it was difficult to gain social status.
  • Lei Áurea

    The Lei Áurea was the law that abolished slavery in Brazil. It was preceded by the Rio Branco Law (1871), and the Saraiva-Cotegipe Law (1885), which did not totally abolish slavery. However, the Lei Áurea didn't provide any support to freed slaves to adjust to their new lives. Most slaves did not have an education, and were left to make their own way in the world Former slaves struggled to gain economic and social status in Brazilian society.
  • Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution began as a movement of middle-class protest against the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. He bought up the land of the villages and converted the once independant peasants into laborers and slaves. By the end of the revolution, reforms were created that weakened the power of officers. Land reforms nationalized most farmland and distributed land to peasants across Mexico. Although their land was not restored, it was the start of change in the treatment of peasants.
  • The Russian Revolution

    Russian peasants were opressed by the Tzar regime. They were forced to pay a fee for working the land, they had to pay more for goods, and they made no money in selling the food they produced. They tried numerous land reforms, but failed. After the Russian Revolution, land reforms distributed land to peasants. Similarly to the Mexican Revolution, although it took a long time for changes to take place, equilization of land ownership eventually did take place.
  • The Gandhi Salt March

    To help free India from British control, Gandhi lead a non-violent march protesting the British Salt Tax, which made it illegal to produce salt. Salt is a staple in the Indian diet, so all were affected. Gandhi and his followers made salt from the Arabian Sea water. Hundreds of British-led Indian policemen viciously beat the peaceful demonstrators, prompting an international outcry against British policy in India. Without this first act of defiance, Indian independance may have never occured.
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    The D-Day operation brought together the land, air and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest invasion force in history. The operation, given the codename Overlord, launched a successful invasion on beaches of Normandy, France. Operation Overlord was the beginning of the end of Nazism. It's purpose was to bring about the fall of the Nazi regime and to free the people of Europe under Nazi control.