The first colony was founded.
The first colony was founded in 1607. It was called Jamestown Virginia. -
The Headright System was set up
Newcomers didn't just get land rite away. They had to work for it. Once they did there work they got 50 acres of land. -
royal colony
In 1624 Virginia was made a royal colony -
Puritans formed Massachusetts
Puritans were led by John Winthrop to form Massachusetts -
Maryland was settled
In 1634 Maryland was settled -
Delaware was settled.
Also in 1636 Delaware was settled by Peter Minuit and others. -
Thomas Hooker left.
In 1636 Thomas Hooker left the Massachusetts Colony. This was due to dissatisfaction. -
New Hampshire was founded
In 1636 John Mason and settled by John Wheelwright and others was founded by John Mason and settled by John Wheelwright and others. -
Roger Williams was banished.
Also in 1636 Roger Williams was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony along with Anne Hutchinson. -
Carolina was settled
In 1663 eight men received charters for the Carolina's from King Charles II.